Leiber, Fritz. The Big Time. Ace.
Leiber, Fritz. The Changewar
Summary: Timeline warfare between Snakes and Spiders as each side tries to eliminate the
existence of the other.
Series note: Various tales on a theme, but only The Big Time, "No Great Magic", and "Catch that
Zeppelin!" contain allohistorical content. Other entries in the series may be found in
The Changewar, Gregg 1983, and Changewar, Ace 1983.

Leiber, Fritz. The Big Time. Tor 2000.

Leiber, Fritz. The Big Time. Translated to the French as Le grand jeu du temps, Masque.
Leiber, Fritz. The Big Time
Summary: At a Snake enclave somewhere outside space and time, a soldier preaches ChangePeace as
the enclave maintainer disappears.
Series note: A Changewar story.
Published: Ace 1961; Gregg 1976 (0839823347); Amereon 1983 (0884119319); Macmillan/Collier 1991
(0020698410); SFBC 1992; Buccaneer 1998 (0899685374BUY); Tor 2000 (0312890796BUY).
Originally serialized in Galaxy, March and April 1958.
Included in Ship of Shadows, Gollancz 1979.
Original in: English.
Translation: Nederlands by H.J. Oolbekkink as In de Macht van Morgen Born 1973 (9028303642).
Translation: French by Hervé Denègs as Le grand jeu du temps, Le Masque 1978.
Translation: German by Thomas Schlueck as Eine große Zeit, Bastei-Lübbe 1982 (3404230116).
Translation: Italian by Riccardo Valla as Il grande tempo, Nord 1975 (8842903167).
Translation: Portuguese by José Sanz as A História é Outra, Expressão
e Cultura 1973.
Translation: Spanish by Domingo Santos as El gran tiempo, Hugo 1958, Adiax 1982.
Translation: Swedish by Ingela Bergdahl as Den högre tiden, Delta 1982 (9172283114).
Awards: Winner: 1958 Hugo for best novel.
Leiber, Fritz. "No Great Magic"
Divergence: 1587 CE
Summary: The Snake vs. Spider battlefield moves to an anachronistic performance of MacBeth
before Elizabeth I.
Series note: A Changewar story.
Published: In Galaxy, December 1963; The Secret Songs, Rupert Hart-Davis 1968; The
Changewar, Gregg 1978 (0839824939); The Great Science Fiction Series: Stories from the
Best of the Series from 1944 to 1980 by Twenty All-Time Favorite Writers (eds. Frederick
Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg and Joseph D. Olander), Harper & Row 1980 (0060133821); and
Changewar, Ace 1983 (044110259X).
Original in: English.
Translation: German by Tony Westermayr as "Macbeth und Queen Elizabeth", in Spekulationen,
Goldmann 1976 (3442232295).
Leiber, Fritz. "Catch that Zeppelin!"
Divergence: 1894 CE
What if: The son of Marie Sklodowska and Thomas Edison invented an electric cell which lead to
pollution-free automobiles, and a change in the outcome of World War I created a more
humane and scientifically advanced Germany.
Summary: Caught by the Change Winds, the author finds himself in a 1937 New York, meeting his
historian son for lunch and discussing points when history might have turned for the worse.
Series note: A Changewar story.
Published: In The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1975; The Worlds of Fritz
Leiber, Ace 1976 and Gregg 1979 (0839824777); The 1976 Annual World's Best SF (eds.
Donald A. Wollheim and Arthur W. Saha), DAW 1976; Nebula Winners Eleven (ed. Ursula K.
Le Guin), Harper & Ship of Shadows, Gollancz 1979; Row 1977 and Bantam 1978
(0553117424); The Hugo Winners, Volume 4: 1976-1979 (ed. Isaac Asimov),
Doubleday/Foundation 1985 (0385189346), SFBC 1985; The Best of the Nebulas (ed. Ben
Bova), Tor 1989 (0312931751); The Leiber Chronicles, Dark Harvest 1990;
The Way It Wasn't: Great Science Fiction Stories of Alternate History
(ed. Martin H. Greenberg), q.v.; and The Mammoth Book of Alternate
Histories (eds. Ian Watson and Ian Whates), q.v.
Original in: English.
Translation: German by Birgit Ress-Bohusch as "Versaeum nicht den Zeppelin!", in SF Jubilaeumsband
- Das Lesebuch (ed. Wolfgang Jeschke), Heyne 1976 (3453311124); Das Geschenk des
Fakirs (ed. Manfred Kluge) Heyne date unknown (3453303563); Die 20 besten
SF-Stories (ed. Jonathan Gates), Goldmann date unknown (3442250293).
Translation: Spanish by José María Pomáres as "Coge ese zeppelin", in Ciencia
Ficción selección 24 (ed. unknown), Bruguera 1976.
Awards: Winner: 1976 Hugo for best novella.
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk