Lake, Jay. Mainspring. Tor 2007.
Lake, Jay. Mainspring
What if: The solar system were a gigantic clockwork mechanism.
Series note: Trilogy including Mainspring, Escapement and Pinion.
Lake, Jay. Mainspring
Summary: In 1900, a young man from British North America is commanded by the archangel Gabriel
to find the Key Perilous and repair the spring which drives Earth's rotation.
Series note: First volume of the Mainspring trilogy.
Published: Tor 2007 (0765317087BUY), 2008 (0765356368BUY).
Awards: Finalist: 2007 Sidewise Award for best long-form alternate history.
Lake, Jay. Escapement
Summary: A girl from Earth's equatorial wall seeks the "mages" of Britain even as Britain and
China pursue ways to cross the wall to the Southern Hemisphere.
Series note: Second volume of the Mainspring trilogy.
Published: Tor 2008 (0765317095BUY), 2009 (0765356376BUY).

Lake, Jay. Pinion. Tor 2010.
Lake, Jay. Pinion
Series note: Final volume of the Mainspring trilogy.
Published: Tor 2010 (0765321866BUY), 2011 (076533108XBUY).
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