Kilian, Crawford. Rogue Emperor. Ballantine/Del Rey 1988.
Kilian, Crawford. The Chronoplane Wars
Summary: Novels in which a collapsing America c. 2000, alerted to possible destruction of the
Earth decades in the future, discovers gateways to other past and future Earths. All novels
feature Intertemporal Agent Jerry Pierce. Allohistorical content is variable, with Rogue
Emperor being the most explicit.
Series note: Series including The Fall of the Republic, Rogue Emperor and The Empire of
Time. Although published first, The Empire of Time is in internal order the end of
the series.
Kilian, Crawford. The Empire of Time
Summary: Pierce tries to find out how disaster struck Earth in the future, visiting alternate
Earths along the way.
Series note: A novel of the The Chronoplane Wars.
Published: Ballantine/Del Rey 1978, 1985 (0345325281BUY), 1987 (0345347595BUY); Legend 1988
(0099588803); iUniverse.com 1998 (1583481206BUY).
Kilian, Crawford. The Fall of the Republic
Summary: Mental "Trainables" of 1998 use information gained from the future of a similar
timeline to speed up the end of an American Emergency, in favor of a new world government.
Series note: A novel of the The Chronoplane Wars.
Published: Ballantine/Del Rey 1987 (0345342739BUY); Legend 1988 (0099588900); iUniverse.com 1998
Kilian, Crawford. Rogue Emperor
Divergence: 94 CE
Summary: Intertemporal Agent Jerry Pierce investigates the assassination by antitank weapon of
the Roman emperor Domitian in 100 CE of another timeline, and discovers a plot by Christian
Militants to take over the Roman empire.
Series note: A novel of the The Chronoplane Wars.
Published: Ballantine/Del Rey 1988 (0345350782BUY); iUniverse.com 1998 (158348017XBUY).
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk