Kessel, John. Corrupting Dr. Nice. Tor 1997.
Kessel, John. Moment Universe Stories
Series note: Stories Corrupting Dr. Nice, "The Miracle of Ivar Avenue", "Some Like It Cold",
"The Pure Product", and "It's All True", in which time is broken up into quantum units and
each "moment" is accessible to time travelers. The amount of allohistorical content in each
story is wildly variable, and only Corrupting Dr. Nice and "The Miracle of Ivar Avenue"
are listed here.
Kessel, John. Corrupting Dr. Nice
Summary: A rich paleontologist, returning from the Cretaceous with a baby apatosaur, is pursued,
or pursues, a beautiful con woman in 29 CE Jerusalem. Meanwhile, Simon the Zealot prepares
to strike against the company in control of time travel to that Moment Universe.
Comments: While the allohistorical content is extremely low, it makes an interesting
juxtaposition of the movie The Lady Eve with Sterling and Shiner's
"Mozart in Mirrorshades", q.v.
Published: Tor 1997 (0312861168BUY), 1998 (0312865848BUY); Gollancz 1998 (0575066113);
Millennium 1999 (1857988930).
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Patrick M. Arcel as L'amour au temps des dinosaures, Denoël 2002
Kessel, John. "The Miracle of Ivar Avenue"
Divergence: 1949 CE
What if: Preston Sturges didn't commit suicide.
Summary: A Los Angeles detective investigates the death of a man identical to Sturges.
Published: In Intersections: The Sycamore Hill Anthology (eds. John Kessel, Mark L. Van Name
and Richard Butner), Tor 1996 (0312860900BUY); Asimov's Science Fiction, September
1996; The Year's Best Science Fiction, Fourteenth Annual Collection (ed. Gardner
Dozois), St Martin's Griffin 1997 (0312157029BUY, 0312157037BUY), v.t. Best New SF
10, Raven 1997 (1854879715); and The Pure Product, Tor 1997 (0312861176BUY), 1999
Awards: Honorable mention: 1996 Sidewise Award for best short-form alternate history. Nominee:
1997 Nebula for best novelette.
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