Izmerov, Oleg. Deti Imperii. Alfa-kniga 2012.
Izmerov, Oleg. Imperiya
Summary: A Russian computer specialist is transported into alternative pasts.
Series note: Series including three books, Deti Imperii, Zadanie Imperii, and Otvet Imperii.
Izmerov, Oleg. Deti Imperii
Title trans.: Empire's Children
Divergence: 1941 CE
What if: Nazi Germany did not attack the Soviet Union in 1941.
Summary: A Russian is transported back to an alternative 1958 in which the world is divided
between four great powers, and Hitler's Germany is planning a nuclear war.
Series note: First volume of the Imperiya series.
Published: Alfa-kniga 2012 (5992213384BUY).
Original in: Russian.
Izmerov, Oleg. Zadanie Imperii
Title trans.: Empire's Quest
Divergence: 1917 CE
What if: Germany did not grant Lenin's sealed train passage back to Russia.
Summary: Set in the 1938 of a world in which Russia is not governed by Bolsheviks, but Huey Long
rules in America and Hitler controls Germany.
Series note: Second volume of the Imperiya series.
Published: Alfa-kniga 2013 (5992213589BUY).
Original in: Russian.
Izmerov, Oleg. Otvet Imperii
Title trans.: Empire's Answer
Divergence: 1978 CE
What if: Perestroika began under Brezhnev.
Summary: In 1998, a dollar crisis approaches as Europe is divided between the western model and
the Soviet Union's alternative.
Series note: Third volume of the Imperiya series.
Published: Alfa-kniga 2013 (5992214593BUY).
Original in: Russian.
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