Gromov, Aleksandr. Islandskaya Karta. Eksmo 2006.
Gromov, Aleksandr. Islandskaya Karta
What if: There were no American continents.
Series note: Duology of Islandskaya Karta and Russkii Arkan.
Published: In one volume as Islandskaya Karta - Russkii Arkan, Eksmo 2009 (9785699358915).
Original in: Russian.
Gromov, Aleksandr. Исландская
Карта [Islandskaya Karta]
Title trans.: The Iceland Card
Summary: Thriller set in the 21st century of an Earth dominated by European great powers. A
bureaucrat accompanies the heir to the Russian throne on a voyage west across the great
ocean to Japan, fighting off British intrigues and Icelandic pirates.
Series note: First of the Islandskaya Karta duology.
Published: Eksmo 2006 (5699171746BUY).
Original in: Russian.
Gromov, Aleksandr. Русский
Аркап [Russkii Arkan]
Title trans.: Russian Noose
Series note: Second of the Islandskaya Karta duology.
Published: Eksmo 2007 (5699247025BUY), 2009 (5699358919BUY).
Original in: Russian.
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