Grimwood, Jon Courtenay. Pashazade: The First Arabesk. Simon & Schuster UK/Earthlight 2001.
Grimwood, Jon Courtenay. Arabesk [vt Ashraf Bey Novels]
Divergence: 1915 CE
What if: The Third Balkan War, which erupted in Europe in August 1914, was settled a year later
with the assistance of Woodrow Wilson, and in 1916, Egypt gained its independence from Britain.
Series note: Seris including Pashazade, Effendi, and Felaheen.
Comments: Despite a background including the existence of the Ottoman Empire into the 21st
Century, a France ruled by royalty, and Germany exerting strong infuence over an Egypt
ruled by the Khedive, the books in this series do not seem particularly allohistorical and
could be thought of as somewhat bent near-future techno-mysteries/thrillers.
Published: Omnibus volume titled Arabesk including all three novels, Gollancz 2007
(0575081317, 0575081325BUY).

Grimwood, Jon Courtenay. Pashazade: The First Arabesk. Bantam Spectra 2005.

Grimwood, Jon Courtenay. Pashazade: The First Arabesk. Gollancz 2008.
Grimwood, Jon Courtenay. Pashazade: The First Arabesk
Divergence: 1915 CE
Summary: A mystery set in El Iskandriya (Alexandria) during the early 21st Century, when a young
man of mysterious background must investigate the strange murder of his alleged aunt.
Series note: First volume of Arabesk.
Published: Simon & Schuster UK/Earthlight 2001 (0743202848BUY), 2002 (0671773682); Pocket UK
2003 (0743468333); Bantam/Spectra 2005 (0553587439BUY); Gollancz 2008 (0575083700).
Included in Arabesk, Gollancz 2007 (0575081325, 0575079711).
Original in: English.
Translation: Spanish as Pashazade, Minotauro 2005 (8445075462).
Awards: Nominee: 2001 BSFA Award for best novel.

Grimwood, Jon Courtenay. Effendi: The Second Arabesk. Pocket UK 2003.
Grimwood, Jon Courtenay. Effendi: The Second Arabesk
Divergence: 1915 CE
Summary: Now officially a police detective, the mysterious young man investigates a series of
gruesome slayings in Alexandria at the same time that his lover's father is brought to
trial for war crimes.
Series note: Second volume of Arabesk.
Published: Simon & Schuster UK/Earthlight 2002 (0743202856BUY); Pocket UK 2003
(0671773690BUY); Bantam/Spectra 2005 (0553587447BUY); Gollancz 2008 (0575083697).
Included in Arabesk, Gollancz 2007 (0575081325, 0575079711).
Awards: Nominee: 2002 BSFA Award for best novel.

Grimwood, Jon Courtenay. Felaheen: The Third Arabesk, Simon & Schuster UK/Earthlight 2003.

Grimwood, Jon Courtenay. Felaheen: The Third Arabesk, Pocket 2004.

Grimwood, Jon Courtenay. Felaheen: The Third Arabesk, Gollancz 2008.
Grimwood, Jon Courtenay. Felaheen: The Third Arabesk
Divergence: 1915 CE
Summary: Ashraf Bey travels to Tunis to investigate the attempted murder of his supposed father,
the emir.
Series note: Third volume of Arabesk.
Published: Simon & Schuster UK/Earthlight 2003 (0743461177BUY); Gardners 2004 (0671773704);
Bantam/Spectra 2005 (0553383787BUY); Gollancz 2008 (0575083689).
Included in Arabesk, Gollancz 2007 (0575081325, 0575079711).
Awards: Winner: 2003 BSFA Award for best novel. Nominee: 2004 British Fantasy Award for best novel.
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk