Elliott, Kate. Cold Magic. Orbit 2010.
Elliott, Kate. Spiritwalker Trilogy
What if: The glaciers of the last ice age did not fully retreat, Carthage defeated Rome at Zama,
and magic, trolls, goblins, etc. really exist.
Series note: Series including Cold Magic, Cold Fire, and Cold Steel.
Elliott, Kate. Cold Magic
Summary: In approximately the 1810s, a girl from the Brigantic isthmus is forced into a hasty
marriage with a cold mage, apparently due to an arrangement made a generation earlier
between her Punic family and the mages.
Series note: First volume of the Spiritwalker Trilogy.
Published: Orbit 2010 (0316080853BUY), 2011 (031608087XBUY), and Orbit UK 2010 (1841498815).
Elliott, Kate. Cold Fire
Series note: Second volume of the Spiritwalker Trilogy.
Published: Orbit UK 2011 (1841498831); and Orbit 2011 (0316080993BUY), 2012 (0316080985BUY).
Elliott, Kate. Cold Steel
Series note: Third volume of the Spiritwalker Trilogy.
Published: Orbit 2013 (031608090XBUY), Orbit UK 2013 (1841498866).
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