Card, Orson Scott. Seventh Son. Tor 1987.
Card, Orson Scott. Tales of Alvin Maker
Divergence: 1520 CE
What if: Natural magic works. Also, the course of American colonization took a different course
as a result of the Aztecs defeating Cortes and of the successful Puritan revolution in Britain.
Series note: Series including Seventh Son, Red Prophet, Prentice Alvin, Alvin
Journeyman, Heartfire, and The Crystal City. An additional, final volume titled
Master Alvin was long expected but has apparently never been written. There are also
two related short stories, "Grinning Man" and "The Yazoo Queen", which take place
between Heartfire and The Crystal City. Note that the first three volumes of the
series were collected in the omnibus volume Hatrack River. The second book was also
published in comic book form (with issues then collected as graphic novels) by Marvel as by
Card and Roland Bernard Brown.

Card, Orson Scott. Seventh Son. Translated to the French as Le septiègme fils, l'Atalante 1991.
Card, Orson Scott. Seventh Son
Divergence: 1520 CE
Summary: Born in 1800, the seventh son of a seventh son growing up on the American frontier
meets an itinerant storyteller named William Blake.
Series note: First of the Tales of Alvin Maker.
Published: Tor 1987 (0312930194BUY), 1988 (0812533534BUY), 1993 (0812533054BUY), 2003
(076534775XBUY); Legend 1988 (0712623205BUY, 0712623256), 1989 (0099589303BUY); Orbit
1991 (1841490210BUY)
Included in Hatrack River, SFBC 1989.
Expanded from "Hatrack River", in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, August 1986;
Terry Carr's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year (ed. Terry Carr), Tor 1987
(0312930259BUY); and The Year's Best Science Fiction, Fourth Annual Collection (ed.
Gardner Dozois), St. Martin's 1987 (0312007108BUY, 0312007094), v.t. The Mammoth Book of
Best New SF, Robinson 1987 (094816431X).
Original in: English.
Translation: Czech as Sedmy syn, Laser 1999.
Translation: Nederlands by Knut Azimuth as Zevende Zoon, Meulenhoff 1990 (9029042974).
Translation: French by Patrick Couton as Le septiègme fils, l'Atalante 1991 (2905158514);
Gallimard/Folio 2000 (2070415740).
Translation: German by Ralph Tegtmeier as Der siebente Sohn, Bastei-Lübbe 1988 (3404201159).
Translation: Italian by Bernardo Draghi as Il settimo figlio, Longanesi 1991 (883041025X),
Editori Associati 1993 (8878194271).
Translation: Polish by Piotr W. Cholewa as Siodmy syn, Proszynski i s-ka 1993.
Translation: Spanish by Paola Tizzano as El séptimo hijo, Ediciones B 1997 (8440679998).
Translation: Swedish by Maths Claesson as Sjunde sonen, Bonnier 1995 (9100559733).
Awards: Seventh Son, winner: 1988 Locus Poll for best fantasy novel Seventh Son,
nominee: 1988 Hugo for best novel. Seventh Son, nominee: 1988 World Fantasy Award for
best novel. "Hatrack River", winner: 1987 World Fantasy Award for best novella. "Hatrack
River", nominee: 1986 Nebula for best novelette. "Hatrack River", nominee: 1987 Hugo for
best novelette.

Card, Orson Scott. Red Prophet. Tor 1988.
Card, Orson Scott. Red Prophet
Divergence: 1520 CE
Summary: Captured by Red men, young Alvin Maker and his brother become involved with Tecumseh,
the Prophet and a different massacre at Tippecanoe.
Series note: Second of the Tales of Alvin Maker.
Published: Tor 1988 (0312930437, 0812533593), 1996 (0812524268BUY); Legend 1989 (0712624171,
Included in Hatrack River, SFBC 1989.
Also published in comic book form by Marvel, 2006-2007.
Original in: English.
Translation: Nederlands by Knut Azimuth as Rode Profeet, Meulenhoff 1990 (9029040297).
Translation: French by Patrick Couton as Le prophègte rouge, l'Atalante 1992
(2905158662); Gallimard/Folio 2000 (2070415759).
Translation: German by Ralph Tegtmeier as Der rote Prophet, Bastei-Lübbe 1989 (340420123X).
Translation: Translation: Italian by Bernardo Draghi as Il profeta dalla pelle rossa, Longanesi
1993 (8830411361), Editori Associati 1996 (8878199885).
Translation: Spanish by Paola Tizzano as El profeta rojo, Ediciones B 1990 (8440614225),
Ediciones B 1997 (844067998X).
Translation: Swedish by Anders Bellis as Profeten, Bonnier 1996 (9100562394).
Awards: Winner: 1989 Locus Poll for best fantasy novel. Nominee: 1988 Nebula for best novel.
Nominee: 1989 Hugo for best novel.
Card, Orson Scott, and Roland Bernard Brown. Red Prophet: The Tales of Alvin Maker
Divergence: 1520 CE
Summary: The novel Red Prophet retold in comic book form.
Comments: Writing is by Card and Brown. Artists on the various issues include Renato Arlem,
Miguel Montenegro, and Rodney Buchemi.
Published: Twelve-issue comic book series from Marvel Comics, published from 2006 through 2008.
Published: Collected in two volumes as Red Prophet: The Tales of Alvin Maker: Volume One,
Marvel Comics 2007 (0785127216BUY), 2008 (078512585XBUY) and Red Prophet: The Tales of
Alvin Maker: Volume Two, Marvel Comics 2008 (0785125841BUY).

Card, Orson Scott. Prentice Alvin. Tor 1989.
Card, Orson Scott. Prentice Alvin
Divergence: 1520 CE
Summary: Alvin's years as an apprentice blacksmith and the story of a Black-White "mix-up boy"
removed from slavery in Appalachee.
Series note: Third of the Tales of Alvin Maker.
Published: Tor 1989 (0312931417), 1989 (0812502124BUY, 0812502132); Legend 1989 (071262953X),
1991 (0099612100).
Published: Included in Hatrack River, SFBC 1989.
Published: Revision of "Prentice Alvin and the No-Good Plow", in Sunstone, August 1989; and
Maps in a Mirror: The Short Fiction of Orson Scott Card, Tor 1990 (0312850476), BOMC
1990, Easton 1990, BOMC/QPBC 1991, Legend 1991 (0712648550).
Original in: English.
Translation: Nederlands by Knut Azimuth as Alvin in de Leer, Meulenhoff 1991 (9029040238).
Translation: French by Patrick Couton as L'apprenti, l'Atalante 1993 (2905158700);
Gallimard/Folio 2000 (2070415766).
Translation: French of "Prentice Alvin and the No-Good Plow" by Patrick Couton as L'apprenti Alvin
et le soc bon-rien, L'Atalante 1999 (2841721213).
Translation: German by Ralph Tegtmeier as Der magische Pflug, Bastei-Lübbe 1990 (3404201418).
Translation: Italian by Bernardo Draghi as Alvin l'apprendista, Longanesi 1994 (883041235X),
Editori Associati 1996 (887818053X).
Translation: Spanish by Paola Tizzano as Alvin, el aprendiz, Ediciones B 1991 (8440620586),
Ediciones B 1997 (8440679971).
Translation: Swedish by Anders Bellis as Alvin — lärlingen, Bonnier 1996 (9100563072).
Awards: Winner: 1990 Locus Poll for best fantasy novel. Nominee: 1989 Nebula for best novel.
Nominee: 1990 Hugo for best novel.

Card, Orson Scott. Alvin Journeyman. Tor 1996.

Card, Orson Scott. Alvin Journeyman. Translated to the German as Der Reisende. Bastei-Lübbe 1997.
Card, Orson Scott. Alvin Journeyman
Divergence: 1520 CE
Summary: Alvin stands trial for freeing a slave while his brother Calvin travels to Europe to
meet Napoleon.
Series note: Fourth of the Tales of Alvin Maker.
Published: Tor 1995 (0312850530, 0312860056BUY), 1996 (0812509234BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: Nederlands by Knut Azimuth as Alvin in de Gezel, Meulenhoff 1996 (902905333X).
Translation: French by Patrick Couton as Le compagnon, l'Atalante 1995 (2841720373), Gallimard
2003 (207042703X).
Translation: German by Uwe Anton as Der Reisende, Bastei-Lübbe 1997 (3404203054).
Translation: Spanish by Rafael Marín Trechera as Alvin, el oficial, Ediciones B 1997
Translation: Swedish by Anders Bellis as Alvin — gesällen, Bonnier 1997 (9100564230).
Awards: Winner: 1996 Locus Poll for best fantasy novel.

Card, Orson Scott. Heartfire. Tor 1998.
Card, Orson Scott. Heartfire
Divergence: 1520 CE
Summary: Alvin ventures into Puritan New England where he is tried for a witch. Mean while his
wife Peggy travels south to Camelot, the Stuart capital of the Crown Colonies, in order to
protest slavery and there meets Alvin's less scrupulous brother Calvin.
Series note: Fifth of the Tales of Alvin Maker.
Published: Tor 1998 (0312850549BUY), 1999 (0812509242BUY).
Published: Excerpt "Gooses" in Amazing Stories Summer 1998.
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Patrick Couton as Flammes de vie, l'Atalante 1999 (2841720993).
Translation: Spanish by Rafael Marín Trechera as Fuego del corazón, Nova 2000.
Card, Orson Scott. "Grinning Man"
Divergence: 1520 CE
Summary: In Kenituck, Alvin Maker meets Davy Crockett, a crooked miller, and a grizzly bear.
Series note: A short story amongst the Tales of Alvin Maker, set shortly after HeartFire.
Published: In Legends (ed. Robert Silverberg), Tor 1998 (0312868634, 0312867875BUY), 2000
(0812566645BUY), SFBC 1998, HarperCollins UK/Voyager 1998 (0002256665), 1999 (0002256673),.
Original in: English.
Translation: Nederlands by Annemarie van Ewyck as "De Man die Grijnsde", in Legenden (ed. Robert
Silverberg), Luitingh-Sijthoff 1999 (0-245-0582-8).
Translation: French by Blandine Roques as "L'Homme-au-grand-sourire", in Legendes (ed. Robert
Silberberg), Edition 84 (2277250430).
Card, Orson Scott. "The Yazoo Queen"
Divergence: 1520 CE
Summary: On a riverboat traveling down the Mizipy River, Alvin Maker meets William Barret
Travis, Jim Bowie, Abe Lincoln and a mysterious coffle of 25 slaves.
Series note: A short story amongst the Tales of Alvin Maker.
Comments: This story seems to have been originally written as the first part of The Crystal City.
Published: In Legends II (ed. Robert Silverberg), Gollancz 2003 (057507499X), Ballantine/Del
Rey 2004 (0345456440BUY), HarperCollins AU 2004 (0007154364), v.t. Legends 2,
HarperCollins UK/Voyager 2004 (0007154356). Note: Some volumes labeled Legends 2
(Arabic numeral) are extracts from the anthology Legends and do not include this story.
Original in: English.
Translation: Nederlands as "S.S. Koningin van de Yazoo", in Mythen (ed. Robert Silverberg),
Luitingh-Sijthoff 2003 (9024547679).

Card, Orson Scott. The Crystal City. Tor 2003.
Card, Orson Scott. The Crystal City
Divergence: 1520 CE
Summary: Alvin Maker helps 3000 slaves and other oppressed people escape "Neuvo Barcelona" at
the mouth of the Mizipy, but must still find a route to lead them somewhere they cannot be
forced back south.
Series note: Sixth volume of the Tales of Alvin Maker.
Comments: What appears to have been originally intended as the first part of this book was
published separately as "The Yazoo Queen".
Published: Tor 2003 (0765308746BUY, 0312864833BUY).
Published: First third of book was excerpted as "Walking on Water" on Card's website as a serial
in 14 parts.
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Patrick Couton as La Cité de cristal, L'Atalante 2004 (2841722767).
Card, Orson Scott. Hatrack River
Divergence: 1520 CE
Series note: Omnibus volume containing the first three Tales of Alvin Maker: Seventh Son,
Red Prophet, and Prentice Alvin.
Published: SFBC 1989, 1998 (156865989X).
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Patrick Couton as Les chroniques d'Alvin le faiseur: romans, l'Atalante
1996 (2841720403).
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk