Birmingham, John. Weapons of Choice. Pan Macmillan AU 2004.
Birmingham, John. Axis of Time
Divergence: 1942 CE
What if: Technology from the early 21st Century was introduced into World War II.
Series note: Trilogy including Weapons of Choice, Designated Targets, and Final Impact
with follow-up volumes Stalin's Hammer and World War 3.1. The initial trilogy is
also known as World War 2.0.

Birmingham, John. Weapons of Choice. Ballantine/Del Rey 2004.
Birmingham, John. Weapons of Choice [vt Weapons of Choice: World War 2.1]
Divergence: 1942 CE
Summary: A military experiment throws a multi-national fleet from the year 2021 back in time to
the start of June 1942 near the Hawaiian Islands.
Series note: First volume of Axis of Time.
Published: Ballantine/Del Rey 2004 (0345457129BUY), 2005 (0345457137BUY), Pan Macmillan AU 2004
(0732911990), 2005 (0330421891), 2006 (0330422499); Penguin 2006 (0141029110).
Original in: English.
Translation: Polish by Radosław Kot as Wybór broni, Rebis 2006 (8373018549).

Birmingham, John. Designated Targets. Pan MacMillan AU 2005.

Birmingham, John. Designated Targets. Ballantine/Del Rey 2005.
Birmingham, John. Designated Targets [vt Designated Targets: World War 2.2]
Divergence: 1942 CE
Series note: Second volume of Axis of Time.
Published: Pan MacMillan AU 2005 (1405036834); Ballantine/Del Rey 2005 (0345457145BUY), 2006
(0345457153BUY); Penguin (0141029129).
Original in: English.
Translation: Polish by Radosław Kot as Wybór celów, Rebis 2007 (8373019189).
Awards: Nominee: 2005 Aurealis for best science fiction novel.

Birmingham, John. Final Impact: World War 2.3. Pan MacMillan AU 2006.
Birmingham, John. Final Impact [vt Final Impact: World War 2.3]
Divergence: 1942 CE
Summary: The final 45 days of World War II: the successful D-Day invasion of Calais in May 1944
suggests that the U.S. and Britain can rapidly roll up Germany, but then the Soviet Union
re-enters the war and demonstrates that it too has gained access to 21st century
technology. Meanwhile, Japan plans a surprise for the American advance toward the home islands.
Series note: Third volume of Axis of Time.
Published: Pan MacMillan AU 2006 (1405037253); Ballantine/Del Rey 2007 (0345457161BUY), 2007
Publication note: Also known as The Last Good War during development.
Original in: English.
Translation: Polish by Radosław Kot as Ostateczny cel, Rebis 2008 (9788375101188).
Birmingham, John. Stalin's Hammer
Divergence: 1942 CE
Summary: Set in 1954, a decade after the initial Axis of Time trilogy.
Series note: Fourth volume of Axis of Time.
Published: Gigantic Weapons 2017 (0648003620BUY).
Published: Originally published as three novellas, Stalin's Hammer: Rome, Momentum 2012, Del
Rey 2013; Stalin's Hammer: Cairo, publ. unknown 2016; Stalin's Hammer: Paris,
Gigantic Weapons 2016.
Birmingham, John. World War 3.1
Divergence: 1942 CE
Summary: Set in 1954, a decade after the initial Axis of Time trilogy.
Series note: Fifth volume of Axis of Time, and advertised as first volume of The Axis of Time
Published: Gigantic Weapons 2023 (064863311XBUY).
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk