Baxter, Stephen. Stone Spring. Gollancz 2011.
Baxter, Stephen. Northland
Divergence: c 6000 BCE
What if: The Doggerland shallows were not submerged by the rising of the North Sea at the end of
the last ice age.
Series note: Trilogy including Stone Spring, Bronze Summer, and Iron Winter.
Baxter, Stephen. Stone Spring
Divergence: c 6000 BCE
Summary: The inhabitants of Doggerland realize that the sea is rising and begin construction of
a great wall to keep out its waters.
Series note: First volume of Northland.
Published: Gollancz 2010 (0575089180BUY, 0575089199BUY), 2011 (0575089202BUY); and NAL/ROC 2011
(0451464184BUY), 2012 (045146446XBUY).

Baxter, Stephen. Bronze Summer. Gollancz 2011.

Baxter, Stephen. Bronze Summer. NAL/ROC 2012.
Baxter, Stephen. Bronze Summer
Divergence: c 6000 BCE
Summary: Millennia later, the inhabitants of Doggerland come into conflict with the survivors of
Troy and with the Hittie empire.
Series note: Second volume of Northland.
Published: Gollancz 2011 (0575089229BUY, 0575089237BUY), 2012 (0575089245BUY); and NAL/ROC 2012
(0451464796BUY), 2014 (0451419197BUY).

Baxter, Stephen. Iron Winter. Gollancz 2012.
Baxter, Stephen. Iron Winter
Divergence: c 6000 BCE
Summary: A new ice age begins.
Series note: Third volume of Northland.
Published: Gollancz 2012 (0575089261BUY, 0575089288BUY), 2013 (0575089296BUY); and NAL/ROC 2013
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk