Baudino, Gael. O Greenest Branch! Penguin/Roc 1995.
Baudino, Gael. Water!
Series note: Trilogy, composed of O Greenest Branch!, The Dove Looked In, and Branch and
Baudino, Gael. O Greenest Branch!
Summary: A ship from the Righteous States of America brings an emissary to a mysterious kingdom
in northwest Africa, c. 1800.
Series note: Volume one of Water!.
Published: Penguin/Roc 1995 (0451454499BUY).

Baudino, Gael. The Dove Looked In Penguin/Roc 1996.
Baudino, Gael. The Dove Looked In
Series note: Volume two of Water!.
Published: Penguin/Roc 1996 (0451454979BUY).
Baudino, Gael. Branch and Crown
Series note: Volume three of Water!.
Published: Penguin/Roc 1996 (0451455533BUY).
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