Barbet, Pierre. Carthage sera détruite. Fleuve Noir 1984.
Barbet, Pierre. Setni enquêteur temporel
Series note: Many-volumed series, including Rome doit etre détruite and Carthage sera
Original in: French.
Barbet, Pierre. Rome doit etre detruite
Title trans.: Rome Must be Destroyed
Divergence: 218 BCE
Summary: Time patroller Setni travels back to find Hannibal's army and discover why
time-villains are kidnapping children from that era.
Series note: First Setni enquêteur temporel novel.
Published: Fleuve Noir 1983 (2265023949).
Original in: French.
Barbet, Pierre. Carthage sera détruite
Title trans.: Carthage Will Be Destroyed
Summary: A renegade time agent helps out Hannibal, and tries to found a Carthaginian colony in
Series note: Second Setni enquêteur temporel novel.
Published: Fleuve Noir 1984 (2265026131).
Original in: French.
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