Anderson, Poul. Operation Chaos. Tor/Orb 1999.
Anderson, Poul. Operation Otherworld
What if: Men learned to remove antimagical properties of iron and magical technology ensued.
Series note: Omnibus volume including Operation Chaos and Operation Luna.
Published: SFBC 1999 (0739405802).
Anderson, Poul. Operation Chaos
Divergence: 1901 CE
Summary: A werewolf and witch are involved in repeated struggles against the machinations of
Hell during World War II, as the Saracens invade America.
Series note: Sequel is Operation Luna.
Published: Doubleday 1971 (0385005881); Lancer 1971; Berkley 1978 (042537509); Baen 1992
(067172102X); Severn House 1995 (0727847635); Tor/Orb 1999 (0312872429BUY).
Published: Included in Operation Otherworld, SFBC 1999 (0739405802).
Published: Fixup of 1) "Operation Afreet" (v.t. "Operation Chaos), in The Magazine of Fantasy
and Science Fiction, September 1956; Masterpieces of Fantasy and Enchantment (ed.
David G. Hartwell), St. Martin's 1988 (0312022506), SFBC 1988, 1996 (1568651740); The
Oxford Book of Fantasy Stories (ed. Tom Shippey), Oxford University Press 1994
(019214216X); Tomorrow Bites (eds. Greg Cox and T.K.F. Weisskopf), Baen 1995
(0671876910); and Monster Brigade 3000 (eds. Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh),
Ace 1996 (0441003230); 2) "Operation Salamander", in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science
Fiction, January 1957; Witches (eds. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G.
Waugh), Signet 1984 (0451128826); and Isaac Asimov's Magical Worlds of Fantasy: Witches
& Wizards (eds. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh), Bonanza 1985
(051747669X); 3) "Operation Incubus", in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction,
October 1959; and 4) "Operation Changeling", in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science
Fiction, May and June 1969.
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Mary Rosenthal as Opération Chaos, Champs-Elysées 1976
Translation: German by Fritz Steinberg as Operation Chaos, Heyne 1973.
Translation: Nederlands by C.C.W. Bakker-Offers as Operatie chaos, Het Spectrum 1972 (902740674X).
Translation: Norwegian by Thorstein Thelle as Operasjon kaos, Fredhøis year unknown
Anderson, Poul. Operation Luna
Divergence: 1901 CE
Series note: Sequel to Operation Chaos.
Published: Tor 1999 (0312867069BUY), 2000 (0812580273BUY).
Published: Included in Operation Otherworld, SFBC 1999 (0739405802).
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk