Aiken, Joan. The Wolves of Willoughby Chase. Dell/Yearling 1987.
Aiken, Joan. Wolves Chronicles
Divergence: 1746 CE
What if: The Stuarts won the Jacobite wars.
Series note: Series containing in order The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, Black Hearts in
Battersea, Nightbirds on Nantucket, The Stolen Lake, Limbo Lodge (v.t.
Dangerous Games), The Cuckoo Tree, Dido and Pa, Is (v.t. Is
Underground), Cold Shoulder Road. Midwinter Nightingale, and The Witch of
Comments: For some background discussion see C.N. Brown's "Joan Aiken: Wolves and
Alternate Worlds".
Publication note: Series is also known as the "James III Sequence" or the "Dido Twite Series".
Aiken, Joan. The Wolves of Willoughby Chase
Divergence: 1746 CE
Summary: Two English girls face wolves and an evil governess.
Series note: First book in the Wolves Chronicles.
Comments: Except for wolves besetting England c. 1830, this volume is not particularly allohistorical.
Published: Cape 1962; Doubleday 1963; Hutchinson 1975; Dell 1981; Chivers 1986 (0745102999BUY);
Dell/Yearling 1987 (0440496039BUY); Doubleday 1989 (0385035942); Red Fox 1992
(0099972506), 1994 (009936591X); Delacorte 2000 (0385327900BUY).
Aiken, Joan. Black Hearts in Battersea
Divergence: 1746 CE
Summary: Hanoverians plot against James III.
Series note: Second book in the Wolves Chronicles.
Published: Doubleday 1964; Cape 1965; Dell 1969, 1981; Dell/Yearling 1987 (0440409047); Red Fox
1992 (099888602); Houghton Mifflin 1999 (0395971152BUY, 0395971284BUY).
Aiken, Joan. Nightbirds on Nantucket
Divergence: 1746 CE
Summary: A mad scientist in New England develops a transatlantic zap-gun aimed at St. James's Palace.
Series note: Third book in the Wolves Chronicles.
Published: Doubleday 1966; Dell 1969; Puffin 1987 (0140303464); Dell/Laurel-Leaf 1988
(044046370X); Red Fox 1993 (0099888904); Houghton Mifflin 1999 (0395971241BUY, 0395971853BUY).

Aiken, Joan. The Stolen Lake. Red Fox 1993.
Aiken, Joan. The Stolen Lake
Divergence: 1746 CE
Summary: A kingdom founded by Celtic refugees from the battle of Camlann is discovered in the Andes.
Series note: Fourth book in the Wolves Chronicles.
Published: Cape 1981; Delacorte 1981 (0440083176); Dell/Yearling 1988 (0440400376); Red Fox 1993
(0099888408); Houghton Mifflin 2000 (0618070206BUY, 0618070214BUY).

Aiken, Joan. Limbo Lodge. Red Fox 1999.
Aiken, Joan. Limbo Lodge [vt Dangerous Games]
Divergence: 1746 CE
Series note: Fifth book in the Wolves Chronicles.
Published: As Limbo Lodge, Red Fox 1999 (0224046640).
Published: As Dangerous Games, Delacorte 1999 (0385326610BUY), Dell/Yearling 2000
(0440415934BUY), Econo-Clad 2002 (0613247582).
Aiken, Joan. The Cuckoo Tree
Divergence: 1746 CE
Summary: Hanoverian plotters return to disrupt the coronation of Richard IV.
Series note: Sixth book in the Wolves Chronicles.
Published: Cape 1971 (0224005146); Doubleday 1971 (0385030711); Dell/Yearling 1988 (0440400465);
Red Fox 1992 (009988870X); Houghton Mifflin 2000 (0618070249BUY, 0618070230BUY).
Aiken, Joan. Dido and Pa
Divergence: 1746 CE
Summary: Another Hanoverian plot against Richard IV.
Series note: Seventh book in the Wolves Chronicles.
Published: Cape 1986 (0224023640); Delacorte 1986 (0385294808); Dell/Yearling 1988 (044040052X);
Red Fox 1992 (0099888505); Houghton Mifflin 2002 (0618196242BUY, 0618196234BUY).

Aiken, Joan. Is Underground. Dell 1995.
Aiken, Joan. Is [vt Is Underground]
Divergence: 1746 CE
Summary: The royal heir is among numerous English children stolen away as slave labor.
Series note: Eighth book in the Wolves Chronicles.
Published: As Is, Cape 1992 (0224032968), Red Fox 1993 (0099109212).
Published: As Is Underground, Delacorte 1993 (0385308981BUY), Dell/Yearling 1995 (0440410681BUY).

Aiken, Joan. Cold Shoulder Road. Dell Yearling 1997.
Aiken, Joan. Cold Shoulder Road
Divergence: 1746 CE
Series note: Ninth book in the Wolves Chronicles.
Published: Cape 1995 (022404740X); Delacorte 1996 (0385321821); Red Fox 1996 (0099558513BUY);
Dell/Yearling 1997 (0440413419BUY); Econo-Clad 1999 (0613013808).
Aiken, Joan. Midwinter Nightingale
Series note: Tenth book in the Wolves Chronicles.
Published: Delacorte 2003 (0385730810BUY); Red Fox 2005 (009944772XBUY); Dell/Yearling 2005
Aiken, Joan. The Witch of Clatteringshaws
Series note: Eleventh (and last) book in the Wolves Chronicles.
Published: Delacorte 2005 (0385732260BUY); Dell/Yearling 2006 (0440420377BUY).
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk