Alternate History Series
Found 178 matches; displaying matches 101-178.
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Martin, George R.R., and Wild Cards Trust. Wild Cards
Martine-Barnes, Adrienne. The Swords Sequence
McDougall, Sophia. Romanitas Trilogy
Meredith, Richard C. The Timeliner Trilogy
Mitchell, Kirk. Procurator Trilogy
Modesitt, L.E., Jr. Ghost Stories
Moorcock, Michael. A Nomad of the Time Streams
Morganfield, T.L. The One World
Moscoe, Mike. The Lost Millennium
Newman, Kim. Anni Draculae
Nomura, Ted. Families of Altered Wars
Norton, Andre, and Rosemary Edghill. Carolus Rex
Norwood, Warren. Time Police
Novik, Naomi. Temeraire
Novotný, Frantisek. Valhaly
Paris, Alain. Le monde de la terre creuse
Park, Paul. The Roumanian Quartet
Piper, H. Beam, and John F. Carr. Paratime
Pratchett, Terry, and Stephen Baxter. The Long Earth
Priest, Cherie. The Clockwork Century
Pullman, Philip. His Dark Materials
Purser, Philip. Alternative Biography
Putnam, Dave. Gamekeeper Series
Reginald, Robert. Nova Europa
Resnick, Mike (ed.). Alternate Anthologies
Richards, R.W. Alternative History Trilogy
Roberson, Chris. Celestial Empire
Roberts, John Maddox. Hannibal's Children
Roberts, Keith. Pavane
Rodolphe, and Claude Plumail. Das Reich
Sawyer, Robert J. The Neanderthal Parallax
Schumacher, Tony. John Rossett
Shawl, Nisi. Everfair
Shetterly, Will, and Vince Stone. Captain Confederacy
Shwartz, Susan. Heirs to Byzantium
Silverberg, Robert. The Gate of Worlds
Silverberg, Robert. Roma Eterna
Smale, Alan. Apollo Rising
Smale, Alan. Hesperian Trilogy
Smith, L. Neil. North American Confederacy
Steele, Allen. Alternate Space
Stirling, S.M. The Domination of the Draka
Stirling, S.M. The Lords of Creation
Stirling, S.M. Nantucket Trilogy
Stirling, S.M. Tales of the Black Chamber
Stross, Charles. Merchant Princes
Sutcliffe, Richard J. The Interregnum
Sverzhin, Vladimir. Institute of Experimental History
Teng, Tais. Aan de Oevers van de Nacht
Tieryas, Peter. United States of Japan
Tregillis, Ian. The Alchemy Wars
Tregillis, Ian. Milkweed Triptych
Tsouras, Peter G., Kenneth Macksey, and Jonathan North (eds.). Greenhill's Alternate Decisions
Tsouras, Peter G. Britannia's Fist Trilogy
Turner, T.J. Lincoln's Bodyguard
Turtledove, Harry. Agent of Byzantium
Turtledove, Harry. The American Empire
Turtledove, Harry. Atlantis
Turtledove, Harry. Colonization
Turtledove, Harry. Crosstime Traffic
Turtledove, Harry. A Different Flesh
Turtledove, Harry. The Great War
Turtledove, Harry. Great War Multi-Series
Turtledove, Harry. The Hot War
Turtledove, Harry. Settling Accounts
Turtledove, Harry. The War that Came Early
Turtledove, Harry. Worldwar
Turtledove, Harry. Worldwar & Colonization
Van den Boom, Dirk. Kaiserkrieger
Walton, Jo. Small Change
Weiss, Josh. Morris Baker
Westerfeld, Scott. Leviathan Series
Whitbourn, John. Continuum
Wilber, Rick. Moe Berg
Wilson, Geoffrey. Land of Hope and Glory
Womack, Jack. Dryco Novels
Zebrowski, George. Cliometricon
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